Kilkivan - Kingaroy Rail Trail

The Kilkivan - Kingaroy Rail Trail uses part of the former Theebine to Nanango rail corridor. The distance between Kilkivan and Kingaroy is 88 km in total along the former railway corridor alignment.

The Kilvivan to Kingaroy Rail Trail (KKRT) is a half gravel, half paved, 88km trail following part of the old Nanango branch railway line that originally ran from Theebine (north of Gympie) to Nanango. The line was opened progressively between 1886 and 1911 and was finally closed to rail traffic in 2011.

The line serviced stations at places such as Dickabram, Woolooga, Oakview, Bular and Mouingba, before reaching Kilkivan. Between Kilkivan and Kingaroy, Goomeri, Murgon, Wondai, Tingoora, Wooroolin, Memerambi and Crawford where also serviced by the line.

The rail trail was constructed in 2017 as a partnership between South Burnett Regional Council and Gympie Regional Council. Interestingly, it’s the section that falls under South Burnett’s jurisdiction that is sealed, and also goes by the name the South Burnett Rail Trail.

There are a number of creek crossings on the rail trail, such as those at Barambah Creek, Jura Creek and Wide Bay Creek. As with most rail trails, the original bridges over these creeks are beyond repair, so traversing the creek is often done at ground level. Depending on the time of year when you plan to tackle the trail, these creeks may also be swollen by flood waters. Do not attempt to cross a flooded creek, no matter how slow you think the current is moving.

Here again you’ll find a difference between to two sections, South Burnett’s paved section also has bridges, whereas on the Gympie section you’ll encounter more ground level crossings. Of particular note is the second crossing over Wide Bay Creek from Kilkivan. This creek crossing will get you wet.